Part 1 - Aircraft Bombs and Pyrotechnics; Chapter 14: IntroductionPart 1 - Aircraft Bombs and Pyrotechnics; Chapter 14: Practice 8.5-lb. Mks I, II, and III (Service)
Part 1 - Chapter 14
Practice Bombs

Practice 8-lb. Mk I (Service)

Fuzing None
Color markings White over-all with two ½-in. green bands around after body
Over-all length 16 in.
Max. body diameter 4 in.
Total weight 8 lb. (approx.)

Body Construction: The body consists of an asbestos cement cylinder, in the nose of which is cemented a glass flask containing about ½ pint of titanium tretrachloride. The rear of the cylinder is hollow and acts as a tail unit. A light metal suspension band is se-cured to the exterior of the bomb body.

Functioning: On impact the bomb body and glass flask break up, releasing the titani-um tetrachloride to form a smoke cloud. The bomb contains no explosive.

Remarks: The bomb is designed for low-level training purposes against airfield tar-gets, and is of such construction that is leaves no debris injurious to aircraft tires.