Japanese Army BombsType 99 30-kg. High-Explosive Bomb
Japanese Explosive Ordnance – Bombs, Bomb Fuzes, Land Mines, Grenades, Firing Devices
and Sabotage Devices
Chapter 1 – Section 1
Japanese Army Bombs
Type 92 15-kg. High-Explosive Bomb
Fuzes: A-2 (b), A-2 (d)
Over-all length: 25 1/2 inches.
Length of body: 14 1/2 inches.
Diameter of body: 3 7/8 inches.
Thickness of wall: 1/2 inch.
Material of wall: Steel rings (26)
Type of Suspension: Vertical and horizontal.

Suspension lug: Normal Army suspension lug. Rectangular hinged steel lug on a plate riveted to body with four rivets. A similar steel hinged lug is fastened to end of tail fins.

Color and markings: Black over all with a red band around the nose and a white band and yellow band forward of the suspension lug. (White band may be missing.)

Length of tail: 11 inches.

Width of tail: 5 1/2 inches.

Width of tail fins: 2 3/4 inches.

Dimensions of tail strut: Length, 3 3/4 inches; width, 5/16 inch; thickness, 1/16 inch.

Material of tail: 1/16-inch sheet steel.

Type of filling: 3 precast blocks of picric acid. An alternative filling is cast TNT.

Weight of filling: 9 pounds 9 ounces.

Total weight of bomb: 33 pounds.

Charge/weight ratio: 30 percent.

Construction of body: A cast-steel nose is threaded onto a tubular steel body. Twenty-six steel rings 3/8 inch wide and 3/8 inch thick are fitted around the body. One ring to which the suspension lug is attached is 1 3/8 inch wide and 3/8 inch thick. A tail cone is screwed onto the after end of the tubular body.

Construction of tail: Four angular fins are welded to the tail cone and braced by a sing-le set of box-type struts. A suspension lug is secured to the after end of the fins.

Figure 2 - Type 92 15-kg. High-Explosive Bomb.

Japanese Army BombsType 99 30-kg. High-Explosive Bomb