Chapter 9 - Special Purpose Mines; The MTA MineChapter 9 - Special Purpose Mines; The BM 1000 L Mine

The BM 1000 F Mine. The BM 1000 F was designed as a anti-power-plant mine for use against the Russians. It is similar to the BM 1000 II, but has a thinner case and is slightly longer.

The BM 1000 F is modified as follows:

1. A scond bomb fuze is added just before the lifting lug on the top center line of the mine. This fuze is added to ensure detonation if the mine is dropped on land.

2. A transverse channel containing a water flap is added.

3. The main explosive charge is loaded in such a manner that the mine has slight ne-gative buoyancy and is carried down-stream with only its nose touching the bot-tom. This also keeps the transverse channel perpendicular to the direction of the current.

4. The S 101 mie firing unit is fitted.

Operation. The BM 1000 F is dropped by aircraft upstream from the target. A current of 0.75 knots or stronger is sufficient to carry the mine to the target. When the mine reaches the power-plant inlets, it is rotated by the force the current against the gate, allowing water to flow through the transverse channel. This moves the water flap, clos-ing the battery switch and starting the clock of the S 101 unit. When the clock runs off its preset time, a matter of several minutes, the mine explodes.

Figure 121 – BM 1000 F with SH 14



64 in.


26 in.

Weight of charge

660 lb.

Total weight in air

1,200 lb.

Permissible dropping heights with the LS 3 parachute at speeds of 150 - 285 m.p.h. are as follows:

Water Depth

Dropping Height

10 feet

325 feet

17 feet

1650 feet

24 feet

3300 feet

35 feet

23,000 feet

Chapter 9 - Special Purpose Mines; The MTA MineChapter 9 - Special Purpose Mines; The BM 1000 L Mine