0.5-kg Incendiary Bomb Types IP, IT and FI2-kg Incendiary Bombs Types I and IIInhaltsverzeichnisÜbersicht Inhalt Chapter 1
Chapter 1
1-kg Incendiary Bombs Types I and II
Types I and II

Over-all length

6.1 in.

Body length

4.6 in.

Body diameter

2.7 in.

Type of filling

Magnesium and thermite mix

Weight of filling

0.084 magnesium and
0.473 kg thermite

Total weight

1 kg approx.

Type K


Type I: The bomb is a tail-less cylinder made of electron metal. On the curve surface are three small holes plugged with cork. These act as vent holes when the thermite filling is ignited. The thermite is in the form of a lightly pressed filling, pressed in two halves, with a central cylindrical which is filled with magnesium powder. Below the fuze is a powder pellet which is separated from the thermite by a paper disc which is glued to a cardboard ring. Through the paper disc is looped a piece of quick-match which extends into the magnesium.

Type II: This type, made of the same material and having the same dimensions as Type I, differs in the internal arrangement for igniting the thermite. In place of the quick-match, a thin aluminum tube is inserted in the magnesium filling. This tube contains a number of holes on its surface covered by thin paper, and is filled with magnesium pow-der. It is sealed at its lower end by a cork plug.

Color and Markings
Over-all - reddish brown; nose - red
1. These bombs can be dropped singly or in a bomb container.
2. These bombs were used also for sabotage work by using the Fuze Type H.

Figure 20
1-kg Incendiary Bomb Type I and Internal Igniter for Type II

0.5-kg Incendiary Bomb Types IP, IT and FI2-kg Incendiary Bombs Types I and IIInhaltsverzeichnisÜbersicht Inhalt Chapter 1