Type 99 Armor-Penetration Land MineSuction-Cup Mine
Japanese Explosive Ordnance – Bombs, Bomb Fuzes, Land Mines, Grenades, Firing Devices
and Sabotage Devices
Chapter 3 - Section 1
Land Mines
Lunge Mine
Over-all length: 78 inches (including handle and legs).
Total weight: 14.3 pounds (mine body and handle).
Length of body: 11.6 inches.
Diameter at base: 8 inches.
Weight of body: 11 pounds (including explosive).
Length of handle: 59 inches.
Diameter of handle: 1 1/4 inches.
Weight of handle: 3.3 pounds.
Explosive filling: Crude TNT.
Weight of filling: 6.6 pounds.

Description: The mine consists of a conical shaped hollow charge, with a wooden handle at the apex of the cone and three metal legs welded to the base.

The conical charge is housed in a steel container. Fitted into the base of the charge is a hollow, truncated cone designed to give the mine the increased power to penetration of this hollow charge. A well in the apex of the charge contains the detonator.

The wooden handle has a steel striker fitted in one end. This end is encased in a metal cylinder and is held there by a safetypin and a copper shear wire. The cylinder is atta-ched to the neck of the charge container by a threaded connecting ring.

Three metal legs 6 inches long are welded to the base of the charge container at 120° intervals. They guarantee the proper stand-off to obtain the maximum effect from the hollow charge.

Employment: Used as an antitank weapon. Capable of penetrating 6 inches of steel plating.

Operation: The operator pulls out the safetypin, then uses bayonet tactics, the left hand at the center of the handle, the right hand at the after end, as he lunges forward. When the legs of the mine strike the target, the handle is driven forward breaking the shear wire, and the striker is driven into the detonator initiating the explosion of the mine.

Figure 155 – Lunge Mine.

Type 99 Armor-Penetration Land MineSuction-Cup Mine