Practice Bomb GaineChapter 3, Land Mines, Grenades, Firing Devices, and Sabotage Devices
Japanese Explosive Ordnance – Bombs, Bomb Fuzes, Land Mines, Grenades, Firing Devices
and Sabotage Devices
Chapter 2 – Section 2
Navy Magazines

Japanese Navy magazines can be fitted to any fuze that takes a standard Navy gaine. Magazines are used to initiate low explosives such as black powder and are never used in a high explosive filled bomb.

There are two types of magazines. The type 98 Mk 6 bomb magazine Model 2 is instan-taneous. The type 98 Mk 6 bomb magazine Model 1 incorporates a 0.03 second delay. The "a" and "b" plugs are similar to those used in standard gaines. The "d" plugs contain a large amount of gun-powder.

Figure 151 – Navy Magazines.

Practice Bomb GaineChapter 3, Land Mines, Grenades, Firing Devices, and Sabotage Devices