Container for 63 Type 3 1/2-kg. Bombs.50-kg. and 100-kg. Pamphlet Container
Japanese Explosive Ordnance – Bombs, Bomb Fuzes, Land Mines, Grenades, Firing Devices
and Sabotage Devices
Chapter 1 – Section 1
Japanese Army Bombs
Type 1 1-kg. Aircraft Missile

Fuzes: Friction pull igniter.

Overall length: 8 7/8 inches.

Length of body: 5 1/2 inches (spherical).

Diameter of body: 5 1/2 inches (spherical).

Thickness of wall: 1/8 inch.

Material of wall: Compressed paper.

Type of suspension: Thrown by hand.

Color and markings: Black over all (probably coated with a waterproofing liquid).

Type of filling: A central burster charge consists of granular black powder in a silk bag. Surrounding the burster charge are 32 cylindrical sheet-metall pellets containing a low explosive charge. Each pellets has a 1/2 inch safety fuse which is in contact with the silk bag containing the central burster charge.

Dimensions of pellets:

Diameter: 1 1/8 inches.

Height: 13/16 inch.

Composition of explosive contained in pellets:

Potassium nitrate: 55.7 percent.

Sulphur: 16.7 percent.

Aluminum Powder: 14.6 percent.

Antimony Sulphide: 13.0 percent.

Cottonseed husks are used as packing to fill up the interior of the bomb.

Weight of filling: Burster charge: 4.50 ounces; Explosive pellets: 6.6 ounces.

Total weight of bomb: 36.5 ounces.

Construction of body: The missile consists of a sherical container of compressed paper from which a tubular neck of compressed cardboard projects approximately 3 inches. A wooden plug at the base of this tube houses the friction pull igniter.

Operation: The cord of the igniter is pulled and the missile is thrown from the plane. After a short delay the black powder burster charge explodes rupturing the paper body scattering the explosive pellets and simultaneously igniting the safety fuse of the pellets. After a short delay the pellets are detonated.

Remarks: This bomb has been reported to be used in air to air bombing. It has been re-covered from crashed aircraft.

Figure 31 - Type 1 1-kg. Aircraft Missile.

Container for 63 Type 3 1/2-kg. Bombs.50-kg. and 100-kg. Pamphlet Container