GeschossminenLeichte Panzermine (L.Pz.Mi.)

82. Improvised Panzerfaust Antitank Mine

a. Description. The Panzerfaust is a recoilless weapon, similar to United States rocket launchers, and was often improvised as an antitank mine. The Panzerfaust gross 30 m (fig. 94) weighing 11.5 pounds, was the most widely used model. It consists of a laun-ching tube, projectile, propelling charge, a firing mechanism, and a folding sight. It is a single-shot weapon since it cannot be reloaded. During transit, the folding sight is folded down flush with the launching tube, and the folding sight and the projectile are secured to the launching tube by a retaining pin. The launching tube is about 2 inches in diameter and 31 1/2 inches long. The projectile (fig. 95) is 19 1/2 inches long and weighs 6.75 pounds. This projectile is capale of penetrating 8 inches of armor. It consists of a 3.5-pound hollow charge with a steel, cone-shaped liner, a spacher head, a booster charge, an impact fuze, and two spring-steel stabilizing fins. The spacer heas is attached to the front of the hollow charge and provides the correct stand-off. In the tail of the hollow-charge is a fuze well that houses the booster charge and the impact fuze. Attached to the tail of the hollow charge is a wooden fin support with the two spring-steel stabilizing fins. Directly behind the fin support is the propelling charge, which weighs about 3 oun-ces. The firing mechanism is enclosed in a cylindrical case on the top of the launching tube. It consists of a spring-loaded striker, a percussion cap, a cocking bolt, and a trig-ger button. The end of the striker shaft is a flat bar with a notch that enables the trig-ger button to retain the stri-ker in the cocked position. When the Panzerfaust gross 30 m is to be improvised as an antitank mine, a trip-wire firing assembly is rigged up. The folding sight is used as a trigger lever. It is reinforced by a steel strip held in at each end by bending down the sight at the top and bending up the shortened safety projection at the bottom. This reinforced sight can now pivot back and depress the trigger bottom (fig. 96). The sight is held off the trigger bottom by a bent strip of metal improvised as a leaf spring. A rigid wire loop around the weapon passes through an eye riveted to the forlind sight. A trip wire is attached to the bottom of the wire loop.

Figure 94. Panzerfaust gross 30 m.

Figure 95. Projectile of Panzerfaust gross 30 m.

Figure 96. Firing assembly when improvised as an antitank mine.

b. Employment. The improved Panzerfaust antitank mine is employed mainly against tanks, and is rigged for trip-wire firing as shown in figure 97.

Figure 97. Panzerfaust gross 30 m rigged as an improvised antitank mine for
trip-wire firing.

c. Functioning.


When a vehicle runs into the trip wire stretched across its path, the folding sight is pulled down until it depresses the trigger button, which releases the spring-loaded striker against the percussion cap, firing the propelling charge.


The propelling charge propels the projectile out of the launching tube.


When the spacer head strikes the vehicle, the impact fuze is actuated, firing the hollow charge.

d. Installing and Arming.


Secure the Panzerfaust in an avenue of approach to a tree, fence, or similar ob-ject.


Place an improvised leaf spring consisting of a bent strip of metal between the case that houses the firing mechanism and the folding sight.


Fasten the trip wire to a tree or stake, draw it across the avenue of approach, and attach it to the bottom of the wire loop.


Cock the firing mechanism by rotating the cocking bolt (fig. 96) until the cocking-bolt handle is vertical. Press in the cocking bolt to its full extent. The trigger button should retain the spring-loaded striker in the cocked position by a notch in the stri-ker shaft. Allow the cocking bolt to return slowly to its original position and rotate it until the cocking-bolt handle is again horizontal.

e. Neutralizing. The Panzerfaust is cocked if the striker shaft is protruding, the trigger button raised, and the cocking-bolt handle horizontal.


Uncock the firing mechanism by rotating the cocked-bolt until the cocking-bolt handle is vertical and press in the cocking bolt to its full extent. Then press the trigger button and, keeping it pressed, allow the cocking bolt to return slowly ot its original position. Rotate the cocking bolt until the handle is horizontal.


Cut the slack trip wire.

GeschossminenLeichte Panzermine (L.Pz.Mi.)