Brennzünder (B.Z.)Zündschnuranzünder 39 (Zdschn.Anz. 39)

48. Fuse Lighter 29 (Zündschnuranzünder 29; Zdschn.Anz. 29)

a. Description. The fuse lighter 29 (fig. 49) is an instantaneous, chemical fuse lighter. It consists of a cylindrical brass case which houses a metal capsule containing a chemical compound. Running through the chemical compound is a coated pull wire, which is atta-ched to a hook. The hook is soldered to the pull cap which, in turn, is fastened to the pull ring. There is no delay pellet is this fuze lighter. The pull ring is normally held to the fuse lighter case by a small metal pull-ring catch. The fuse lighter is 1 1/2 inches long and 1/2 inch in diameter.

b. Employment. This fuse lighter is used to light time fuse attached to a prepared charge or hollow charge. It may also be used to ignite a smoke candle or, with a trip wire atta-ched to the pull ring, as a fuze for a booby trap, activated antitank mine, or improvised mine.

c. Functioning. As the pull ring is pullet out sharply, the pull cap togehter with are atta-ched hook is separarted from the brass case. As the coated pull wire, which is attached to the hook, is pulled through the metal capsule, the chemical compound ignites. The flame ignites the powder-train of the fuse at the base of the fuse lighter.

d. Installing and Arming.


Unscrew the shipping cap.


Insert a length of thime fuse into a fuse adapter and screw the fuse adapter onto the base of the fuse lighter.


Insert the other end of the time fuse into a detonator adapter.


Insert the detoantor into the detonator adapter.


Screw the detonator adapter into the charge.


Disengage the pull ring from the pullring catch.


Tie one end of a slack trip wire to an anchor and the other end to the pull ring of the fuse lighter.

e. Neutralizing.


Cut the time fuse near the base of the fuse adapter of the fuse lighter 29.


Cut any slack trip wires.


Fasten the pull ring, by means of the pull-ring catch, to the side of the fuse lighter case.


Unscrew the fuse adapter from the fuse lighter and remove the time fuse.

Figure 49. Fuse lighter 29.

Brennzünder (B.Z.)Zündschnuranzünder 39 (Zdschn.Anz. 39)