Schlagzünder PX-32S-Minenzünder 35 (S.Mi.Z. 35)


24. Pressure Fuze 35 (Druckzünder 35; D.Z. 35)

a. Description. The pressure fuze 35 (fig. 27, 28) is an instantaneous, mechanical type having a spring-loaded striker with a ball or pin release. It exists in three models. Model A the largest of the three, is shown in figure 27. It consists of an aluminum case containing a spring-loaded striker held in a cocked position by two steel striker-retaining balls, a safety pin, and a heavy plunger spring. Model B, the smallest of the three, is shown in figure 28. It is housed in a brass case. The striker held in a cocked position by two small striker-retaining pins. Model C is the same as the model A except that the fuze case is of plastic.

Figure 27. Pressure fuze 35A.

b. Employment. Models 35A and C are generally used with improvised wooden antitank mines. Model B is used with improvised anti-personnel mines and booby traps.

c. Functioning.


Pressure of 125 to 165 pounds for models A and C and approximately 65 pounds for model B, exerted on the pressure cap, forces the plunger down-ward against the resistance of the plunger spring.


The striker-retaining balls (models A and C) or striker-retaining pins (model B) are forced outward into the lower space, releasing the striker.


The released striker, driven by the striker spring, fires the percussion cap and the detonator.

d. Installing and Arming.


Examine the fuze to be sure the percussion cap is in place and intact.


Insert a detonator in the base of the fuze.


Screw the fuze into a mine or charge.


Adjust the height of the pressure cap by rotating it.


Remove the retaining nut from the end of the safety pin and withdraw the pin from a safe distance with a wire or string attached to the pull ring.

e. Neutralizing.


Insert the safety pin or a nail, into the hole in the plunger.


Remove the fuze from the mine or charge.


Remove the detonator and the percussion cap from the fuze.

f. Packing. These fuzes are packed four to a tin box with a descriptive label on the lid.

Figure 28. Pressure fuze 35B.

Schlagzünder PX-32S-Minenzünder 35 (S.Mi.Z. 35)