Part 1 - Aircraft Bombs and Pyrotechnics; Chapter 12: Smoke 4-lb. Mks I, II, and IV (Service)
Part 1 - Chapter 12
Smoke Bombs


There are present in service use only four smoke bombs, exclusive of those bombs containing smoke spotting charges. These are the 4-, 100-, 120-, and 500-lb. smoke bombs. The bombs are used to lay smoke screens to conceal troop movements.

These bombs are fuzed in the tail, except the 120-lb, which takes a nose fuze.

Smoke bombs are colored dark green over-all with a red band around the body. The 4-lb. bomb is merely a cylindrical sheet-metal can. The 100-lb. is the same size and shape as the 45-lb. incendiary, with a white phosphorus filling. The 120-lb. bomb con-sists of an outer container and an inner smoke canister which is blown out of the rear of the container by an ejection charge.

The 4-lb. bombs are preferably carried in Cluster Projectile No. 6 Mk I, while the 100-lb. and 120-lb. smoke bombs are generally carried in the Small Bomb Container, 250-lb. The 500-lb. bomb is suspended individually in most 500-lb. bomb stations.