Part 1 - Aircraft Bombs and Pyrotechnics; Chapter 8: A.S. 100-lb. Mks I - IV (Obsolescent), and Mk VI (Service)
Part 1 - Chapter 8
Antisubmarine Bombs


A.S. bombs ranging from 100 to 600 lb., are at present in service use. They are thin-walled bombs, having a high charge/weight ratio for maximum blast effect on, or under, water. Aircraft depth charges are used by the British as alternatives for these bombs.

Earlier marks of the 100-, 250-, and 500-lb. bombs employed a Nose Fuze No. 32, but later marks incorporate a pistol/detonator combination at the tail only. The 600-lb. bomb uses a tail fuze.

These bombs are painted green over-all, and may be filled with Torpex, TNT, or Minol. Their charge/weight ratio is from 50 to 80 per cent, depending on the individual bomb and the filling. The 100-, 250-, and 500-lb. bombs are streamlined in shape.