One-Inch Salute Mk 1 Mod 0 (also labeled 1 1/4-Inch Salute Mk 1 Mod 0)
Target Rocket Flare Mk 1 Mod 0

185. Target Rocket Flare Mk 1 Mod 0, Fig. 69, is for use attached to the nose of target rockets and is used together with 3.25-inch target rocket motors for night practices. The flare consists of a steel tube in two sections, eight inches long and 3.25 inchs in diameter. Separated by 0.5 inch, the two sections are held together by four steel strips welded to each section. Contained in the lower section of the tube is a wood spacer, which carries the pyrotechnic candle. The candle is approximately three inches long and 1.5 inches in diameter, resting in a cavity in the wood spacer and extending to the top of the lower section of the tube. An electric squib with two leads is located over the starter composition of the candle and is covered with kraft paper through which the lead wires, four feet in length, extend. The lead wires are attached to two brass cotter pins and are coiled and fixed in place between the upper and lower sections of the steel tube, with the brass cotter pins tied to one of the connecting strips. For stowage, a copper cup covers the upper section of the tube and the space between the upper and lower sections. It is sealed to the lower section by a strip of adhesive to prevent moisture ab-sorption by the pyrotechnic candle. The lowest portion of the lower section of the steel tube is empty for a depth of 2.25 inches, at which point the wood spacer is positioned. This end of the tube has four slots which are for loading the flare on the nose of the tar-get rocket.

Figure 69. – Target Rocket Fire Mk 1 Mod 0


186. In order to assemble the flare on the nose of the target rocket, the following pro-cedure shoud be followed:

(a) Remove the adhesive and the copper cup from the flare body.

(b) Attach the flare to the nose cap of the target rocket by forcing it over the steel nose cap until it seats on the shoulder at the base of the cap.

(c) Detach the brass cotter pins and lead wires from the connecting strip between the sections of the flare, pull out the lead wires, and attach them to the electric cord lead-ing from the launcher receptacle by means of the brass cotter pins.

(d) Secure the receptable box wire to that it will remain in place as the round leaves the launcher rail.

Inasmuch as the flare lead wires are attached to the same receptable as are the rocket motors, the flare will ignite and the motor will ignite simultaneously. As the rocket is igni-ted, the electric squib ignites the pyrotechnic candle and the flame shoots out between the two sections of the steel tube of the flare. The flare burns for approximately 25 se-conds, with average of 8000 candlepower.


187. Target Rocket Flare Mk 1 is enclosed in a vinylite bag and packaged in a paper mail-ing tube container. Twelve such containers and two lead wires, for attachment to the receptable box in launching, are shipped in a wood case.


188. General rules for storing pyrotechnic ammunition detailed in paragraphs 9 to 12, in-clusive, apply to Target Rocket Flare Mk 1. The copper sealing cap should not be remov-ed from the flare until immediately prior to assembling it on the nose of the rocket flare.

Safety Precaution

189. In case of misfire, the target rocket flare will burn on the nose of the target rocket on the launcher for its full 25 seconds. Personnel should be kept clear of the assembly until the pyrotechnic burns out.

One-Inch Salute Mk 1 Mod 0 (also labeled 1 1/4-Inch Salute Mk 1 Mod 0)