Marine Type White Rocket Mk 1 Mod 0Pyrotechnic Outfit Mk 2 Mod 0
Pistol Rocket Signal Mk 3 Mod 0

173. Pistol Rocket Signal Mk 3 Mod 0, Fig. 66, is a shower signal designed to supersede Marine Type White Rocket Mk 1 Mod 0. It may be fired from Pyrotechnic Pistol AN-M8 or Submarine Rocket Pistol Mk 1 Mod 0. The signal is similar in appearance and construction to Pistol Rocket Signal Mk 1, Comet. When fired, Pistol Rocket Signal Mk 3 Mod o rises to a high of 600 feet and in bursting expels approximately 60 white pyrotechnic pellets in shower.

Figure 66. – Pyrotechnic Outfir Mk 2 Mod 0


174. Detail for loading and firing pistol rocket sginals will be found in the section on Sub-marine Pyrotechnics in paragraphs 101 to 105, covering Pyrotechnic Pistol AN-M8 and Submarine Rocket Pistol Mk 1 Mod 0.


175. Pistol Rocket Signal Mk 3 Mod 0 will be issued in kit from as described in paragraph 176. Each kit contains two Pyrotechnic Pistols AN-M8 and 12 signals.

NOTE: This signal is not to be confused with Pistol Rocket Signal Mk 1 Mod 3, which is also a shower signal but has two separate bursts with a delay of five seonds between bursts. This signal is not being issued at present and is not available. Signal Mk 3 Mod 0 produces a single burst.

Marine Type White Rocket Mk 1 Mod 0Pyrotechnic Outfit Mk 2 Mod 0