German 15 cm (Naval) A.P.B.C. ShellGerman 15 cm K.Mrs.Laf Ctge. Q.F. (Separate)
(15 cm Spgr. L/4,6 m. Haube)
(Fig. 16)

This is a navel type of shell. It is fired with a separate loading Q.F. cartridge and fuzed with either the Kz. C/27 or M.Dopp.Z. S/90 type of fuze.

The exterior of the shell is painted yellow and stencilled in black and has a black tip pain-ted of the balltistic cap. A large arrow on the ballistic cap, painted in black and pointed towards the nose, readily distinguishes this shell from the A.P.C.B.C. shell described in this pamphlet. The shell is fitted with two copper driving bands and immediately behind them towards the base is a lead ring which acts as a decoppering agent. The overall length of the shell is 26.7 inches and its weight filled is approximately 100 lb. The shell is not issued fuzed. External markings on the shell are shown in Fig. 16.

The forward end of the shell body is screwthreaded externally to receive a light blue bal-listic cap, and internally in two diameters to receive a long steel exploder container be-low the fuze.

The ballistic cap screws on to a shoulder and continues the external contour of the shell to the front. The cap has an aperture in the nose which is screwthreaded and closed by a screwed plug. A wooden distance piece, not shown in the drawing, extends from below the plug into the exploder container to retain the exploders in position during transpor-tation.

The lower half of the steel container holds two small exploders each consisting of 14 dr. pellets of pressed cyclonite/wax 90/10 in aluminium cylinders.

The bursting charge consists of 8 lb. 3 oz. 4 dr. of TNT/Wax in six pellets with several sheets of thin paper between the filling and the walls of the shell. The top pellet weigh-ing 7 oz. 4 dr. is annular in shape and contained in an aluminium container suitably sha-ped to fit the forward end of the shell cavity, and fitted with a cardboard closing washer at the base. The remaining five pellets consist of 7 lb. 12 oz. pressed T.N.T. contained in a cardboard carton with a cardboard washer at the forward end and a cardboard disc at the base. The top pellet is annular in shape and surrounds the exploder container and the pellet next below it has a cavity to receive the base end of the exploder container.

The base of the shell is closed by a flanged screwed plug which screws into the shell body. A lead sealing washer fits between a shoulder formed in the shell body below the thread and the flange on the plug.

Labels and stencilling on the bursting charge are as under:–

Label on side of cardboard container:–

Zweiteilige Sprengladung für
15 cm Spgr L/4,5 u. L/4,6 Kz (m.Hb)
Nr 313D 5111 u2
3,460 kg Fp 02 – hlu 40
Gefertigt: hlu 40 Lief 2.

Stencilled in circle on side of cardboard container:–

Marine Abnahmestelle

Label on base of cardboard container:–

Zweiteilige Sprengladung für
15 cm Spgr L/4,5 u. L/4,6 Kz (m.Hb)
Nr 313D – 5111
3,46 kg Fp 02 brutto
Gerfertigt: hlu 40 Lief 2.

Label on aluminium container holding nose pellet:–

Zweiteilige Sprengladung für
15 cm Spgr L/4,5 u. L/4,6 Kz (m.Hb)
Nr 313E – 5111 il
0,211 kg Fp 02 hlu 40
Gefertigt: hlu 40 Lief 2.

Fig. 16

German 15 cm (Naval) A.P.B.C. ShellGerman 15 cm K.Mrs.Laf Ctge. Q.F. (Separate)